Our Values at Shri


Our approach to yoga is rooted in inclusivity.

We believe that yoga is for everyone, regardless of age, ability, body type, or level of experience. We strive to create a welcoming and non-judgmental environment where all individuals can come together and explore the transformative power of yoga.

We celebrate the uniqueness & joy of everyone …

We value creating safe space where all students can cultivate self-awareness, mindfulness, and compassion.

Yoga, at Shri, goes beyond a physical practice. It enters the community where good work with clear intentions are pursued and achieved.

  • We believe in "showing up" for others through skillful action, which is karma yoga.

    We collaborate with like-minded partners and organizations because we believe we're stronger together.

    We embrace the belief that every authentic person deserves our time and attention in service.

  • We believe in contributing to our local community first to create models for meaningful good elsewhere.

    We contribute to organizations all year long through volunteer and fiscal opportunities to support their work.

    We embrace social enterprise work in the spirit of creating strong, sustainable "engines" across all fields.

  • We Support affordable housing opportunities.

    We Honor economic development.

    We Respect urban revitalization projects to embrace mixed-use (residential and commercial) spaces.

    We are Inspired by projects that others may find uncomfortable or challenging because of size and scope.

  • We believe we work better in groups.

    We contribute to taking on challenging situations to learn how to grow from them not by them.

    We embrace "yes," as often as we can, but we're also not against sometimes saying "no."

  • We believe that what is always constant is change.

    We contribute to the belief that non-attachment is a practice with purpose.

    We embrace opportunities with open minds.

  • We believe that every class we teach, and event we support, comes from a place of mindful duty (dharma).

    We contribute to the act of paying attention to where we show up, how and when.

    We embrace the people and places with whom we work, teach, live and invest.